Friday 13 May 2011

I'm back

I forgot I had this blog so gonna try continue and stick to it this time.

What's happened in the last 3 1/2 years well I lost 70 pound but put 20 back on, my mum died which caused a stall. I've just returned from the 4th Annual Low Carb Cruise which I thoroughly enjoyed but couldn't fully enjoy as being part of the committee and felt scrutinized believe me no-one gave me that impression but it was how I felt personally. I felt uncomfortable so I didn't mingle as much as I should. The funny thing is on this vacation I achieved so much in New York going up Skyscrapers and climbing up a fast running waterfall Dunn's River falls. Jumping off a platform into the river, and singing in the talent show. I am an achiever I can do things if I set my mind to it so why then do I struggle daily sticking to plan with food! Even Chris saying if I get to goal he will pay for a tummy tuck for me doesn't seem to drive me!

This week I've been thinking my weightless struggle is an emotional one, I already know what I should be eating yet sometimes I give in to temptation as if to say to he'll with it. So now I am looking at what are the triggers and how can I prevent them from controlling my life. So from now on I am strictly low carb hih fat and on a journey which will also evaluate my eating patterns and sharing what I have learnt about myself!

I started yesterday on lowcarb high fat and was 205 this morning I was 201 so have lost some water initially but I do feel strong and I am determined but I keep saying to myself just for today I'm doing okay. This is a step by step process, I set myself little goals first I get to Breakfast then my next goal is getting to lunch then I work towards dinner and than making it to bedtime and staying on plan.

I will be using NLP and life coaching to get through this and I am enrolling on a course to help others. So watch this space

1 comment:

Kim said...

Good post girl! You made Andreas' web site! Gonna get some traffic know I'm there for you, we are in this together!